CaseFlow® for Solution 3

The challenge

Being a counselor is not for the timid. In addition to the required mind-numbing documentation there is substantial risk of poor outcomes despite best efforts, lawsuits and physical danger. Patients are generally long-term, which requires lots of case notes to be kept and archived. Burnout is common. And every practice can be different in terms of workflow, making it difficult to fit your practice into generic software tools.


The solution

CaseFlow has developed a system which streamlines and saves agencies 25% of their case management time. Agencies searching for a process upgrade want something that requires no technical expertise to implement, yet provides the flexibility to encompass all the details and notes they need to track. And it has to be affordable even to the smallest professional office.


CaseFlow offers features that give any counseling agency what it needs to comply with documentary mandates:


  • We set up the software for you, fully tailored to your practice: mental health, addiction, crisis pregnancy, elder care, and any other variety.
  • Trust 100% encrypted and HIPAA-compliant data storage.
  • Store handwritten or electronic notes and referral logs.
  • Automate invoicing and professional communications using your templates.
  • Enjoy standard and/or custom reports.
  • Easily organize case data and readily recall details even from archived cases.


Expected outcomes

After implementation an agency can expect to spend less time on mundane paperwork tasks. This enables you to regain more time to maintain your own sanity, family and relaxation pursuits. You will have more time for quality interactions with your clients. You will have fewer worries of lawsuits due to CaseFlow helping you stay organized.

Safety and professionalism

Enhance your image and your confidence in outcomes. Track and recall every item at a moment’s notice.

25% operational boost

Lower your costs, increase your capacity. CaseFlow quickly pays for itself!

End burnout 

Decrease paperwork stress, reduce attrition, regain time for what matters to you!

“Since the implementation back in April of 2018 we have seen a substantial increase in our efficiency pertaining to time-management due to the CaseFlow software…  CaseFlow has increased productivity by 30 to 40% over the last year and a half. It has become a game-changer for Building Arizona Families.”

Adam Scarry Director of Operations, Building Arizona Families